At LRS we host medical students, and to aid their learning the clinical education team at RPH would like patients to become educators. They need patients with the following conditions:
• Neurology (Stroke/ MS/ Myasthenia Gravis/ Parkinson's)
• Rheumatology/Orthopaedics (Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis)
• Cardiology (Valvular heart conditions/ Arrhythmia/ Atrial fibrillation/ Peripheral arterial disease)
• Respiratory (COPD)
Please see the link below for more information, pick up a leaflet in reception or ask our team to email or text the information to you
There is no cost to the patient, and parking or taxi costs will be reimbursed
Thursday March 6th
Digital champion Lizzie from AgeUK is back by popular demand! She will be in the surgery from 10am to 12 noon and from 1pm to 3pm, she will be able to help you all with any apps on your phone. Please call in to see her
16th January 2025
Sadly, we are only half way through the first month of the year and already we have had 65 missed appointments!
We understand that things can happen, but we please ask that you cancel in good time and in the appropriate way, there really is no excuse.
We are now strictly enforcing the removal of patients that miss more than 3 appointments in any 12 month rolling period.
If you miss three appointments you will get a final written warning letter to your home address, a fourth missed appointment within a rolling 12 months, will automatically result in your being deregistered within 8 days, and you will receive a formal letter from NHS Primary Care Support England to explain this.
We urge you to attend appointments.
Thank you.
During 2024 our number of ‘Did Not Attend’ appointments increased dramatically.
January | 74 |
February | 60 |
March | 60 |
April | 85 |
May | 90 |
June | 73 |
July | 84 |
August | 73 |
September | 91 |
October | 218 (100 flu jabs) |
November | 113 |
December | 104 |
This is a yearly total of 1125 appointments
An approximate annual cost to NHS of £45,000
And nearly 47 days’ worth of appointments with a doctor
We realise things happen and appointments are not able to be attended for various reasons, however auto reminders are sent from by system, as well as a considerable amount of time spent by the reception team each day sending individual reminders to each patient that has an appointment booked the following day.
Because of the number of appointments not attended in 2024, we have made the decision that once you have reached a 4th not attended appointments this will result in a breakdown in relationship, and you will be asked to register elsewhere within 8 days.
We hope that you understand our thoughts around this, to make it fair for all patients.
Thursday 14th November - the mobile breast screening unit will be moving back to the Minverva Health Centre on Lowthorpe Road, PR1 6SB

Welcome to Lytham Road Surgery
The origins of the Practice can be traced back to 1927, when Dr J Bernstein was in practice at Ribbleton Avenue. Dr Lyon Blair lived on the premises in Ribbleton and was also a Partner in the Practice. Dr Blair was lost at sea in 1941, when his ship 'The Mainstee' was sunk.
Another Partner, Dr Bridge, opened a Branch Surgery in 1927 at Plungington Road. Later Dr Bridge built a house on Parklands Drive and this became the local surgery for his Fulwood patients. Dr Bridge retired in 1947 and Dr Cooper bought the house and the Practice in Parklands Drive. Dr Friend joined him in 1948, just before the start of the NHS.
In 1967 the Plungington Road Surgery and the Parklands Drive Surgery were united and transferred to the present site at Lytham Road.
On the 29th November 2021 Lytham Road Surgery closed the doors at the site on Lytham Road and moved to the purpose built building at the Fatima Centre on Garstang Road. We will still be known as Lytham Road Surgery.
To help you find us - This is the view of our location on Garstang Road, Our entrance, please note the entrance and exit are separate.
Have a compliment about a member of staff?
Had a good experience and wish to share?
We’d like to hear from you if you are pleased with the service you’ve received.
We’ll let the staff involved know and share the feedback with our hardworking team.
Here are some ways to share your feedback with us:
You can give us anonymous feedback via a
“Friends and Family Feedback”
form from Reception.
or we would be grateful if you could leave us a review on Google, using the QR code below if that is easier for you or by clicking this link

Referral Wait times to Secondary Care
when you have a referral to secondary care, sometimes one of the most frustrating things is not knowing how long it will be before you get your appointment, please refer to North West – My Planned Care NHS for wait times for all specialities - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL WAIT TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH DEMAND - the content of these links are out of our control
Royal Preston - Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – My Planned Care NHS
Fulwood Hall - Fulwood Hall Hospital – Ramsay – My Planned Care NHS
Buckshaw Hospital - Buckshaw Hospital – Ramsay – My Planned Care NHS
Euxton Hall - Euxton Hall Hospital – Ramsay – My Planned Care NHS
Fylde Coast Spire - Fylde Coast Hospital – Spire – My Planned Care NHS
Blackpool Victoria - Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – My Planned Care NHS
Wrightington - Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust – My Planned Care NHS
Preston Spamedica - Preston – Spamedica – My Planned Care NHS
Blood Clinics
Please note that from the 7th November 2022 the local blood clinics have now changed back to drop in clinics, apart from a couple of evening clinics, please see list on 'Clinics & Services' for more information - thank you. ( New Blood Clinic timetable with effect from the 1st July 2023.
Community Pharmacy Consultation Service - (CPCS)
The Community Pharmacy Consultation Service, launched in certain areas of the country in October 2019 with a good success rate, this was then rolled out nationally on 1st November last year, and this is now something that Lytham Road Surgery have started to use.
Our Care Navigators will ask your symptoms and some further questions and if they are able to, they will refer you to a local pharmacy under the CPCS scheme they will advise you to call the pharmacy after 30 minutes, and will send an electronic referral across to the pharmacy of your choice (as long as they have agreed to take part) the pharmacist will then arrange the best thing for you, they may be able to give advise over the phone, or they may offer you a face to face appointment at the pharmacy. If the pharmacist feels that they are not able to deal with your ailment, they will ring the surgery and pass the information back to us.
Pharmacists have valuable knowledge about minor ailments and especially medication, and in a lot of cases pharmacists are more knowledgeable regarding medication than a general practitioner, so please use them
for more information please click on this link NHS England » Your consultation with an NHS Community Pharmacist
Are you a carer?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care, for a few hours or round the clock, to a friend or relative who could not manage without their support. The care they give may be due to age, illness, disability, mental health problems, or substance misuse.
Carer's assessments -
If you care for someone, you can have an assessment to see what might help make your life easier. This is called a carer's assessment. For further information see our Carers Direct section and click on links below.
The Lancashire Carers' Service | n-compass
Carer's assessments - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Latest Carers Magazine Winter 2022
Lancashire Carers Leaflet
Please let us know if you are a carer, information and support is available to you.
Serving You
Our dedicated team are here to treat those minor ailments that occur as well as providing specialist management of long-term conditions and clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues. The technology also means you can now do a lot of things from the comfort of your home such as order a repeat prescription and access your test results. This can be done through Patient Access. Please contact the reception team by phone to discuss how to register for Patient Access.
Partners in Care
Once registered, patients and healthcare professionals work together to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. This partnership philosophy extends even further and our active patient group exists to make sure that patient needs and the practice offering are always heading in the same direction.
(Site updated 05/03/2025)